Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog Status Update


The first season of this site (in conjunction with Phil Steele.com--see link at the top right) has been a success.  We have had over 15,000 visitors since the season began and had several of our links picked up by national sites and forums including ESPN.  In a soon-to-come post, I will recap the most popular articles of the season and provide a bit more detail on the blog visitor demographics.

I just wanted to take a few minutes to clarify the status of the blog during the football offseason.  I will continue to post, but on a more irregular basis, probably every 7-10 days, perhaps with more frequency during spring camp. 

I know that most of you have probably been following the nationally ranked Cougar basketball team over the last several weeks (as I have).   Some of you have asked me if I am going to cover the hoopsters.   Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no, or at least that I am not going to be able to do it.  If there is a reader that is interested in providing regular hoops coverage on here, please contact me.

Finally, I am looking to add 2-3 additional writers for next season to help carry the load and provide more regular content.  Let me know if you are interested and feel free to pass the word along.


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